KARACHI: In a significant operation against smuggled goods, the Collector of Customs Enforcement, Karachi, led a successful raid on a godown in Qasba Colony near Manghopir Road. Acting on credible information, the enforcement team discovered more than 4,500 kilograms of Indian origin roasted Kaju (cashew nuts) concealed within the premises. The estimated market value of the recovered quantity stands at approximately Rs. 20 million.
This operation was part of the Government of Pakistan’s ongoing efforts to combat smuggling and enforce strict policies against illicit trade. The seizure of the smuggled Kaju highlights the commitment of customs officials to safeguard the nation’s economic interests and prevent the inflow of contraband goods.
In a separate operation, the Anti-Smuggling Organization (ASO) Karachi, acting on confidential intelligence, conducted a raid on a warehouse located in Landhi Babar Market. The ASO squad successfully seized 3,200 kilograms of harmful smuggled chalia (a type of betel nut). The estimated value of the confiscated chalia is Rs. 40 million. The seized goods have been securely transferred to the ASO’s warehouse for further investigation.
Notably, this is the third major case within two days where Customs Enforcement has recovered substantial quantities of smuggled goods without relying on paramilitary or law enforcement forces. Earlier, on May 25, 2024, a successful raid in Ittehad Town resulted in the seizure of over 1,350 bags of high-quality foreign plastic Dana, each weighing 25 kilograms.
Collector Enforcement Karachi Basit Abbasi, along with Additional Collector Dawood Pirzado and Deputy Collector Raza Naqvi, has spearheaded these anti-smuggling activities. Their relentless efforts aim to rid the country of this menace and ensure a safer, more secure trade environment. The success of these back-to-back operations underscores the effectiveness of intelligence-driven enforcement measures in curbing illegal trade activities.