Karachi: In a significant crackdown on illegal trade, the Karachi Customs Enforcement, backed by the Rangers and Police, conducted a successful raid on a warehouse in Ittehad Town on May 25, 2024. Acting on reliable intelligence, the team seized over 1350 bags of high-quality foreign plastic Dana, weighing 25 kg each, from the premises.
The operation, led by Collector Basit Abbasi, Additional Collector Dawood Pirzado, and Deputy Collector Raza Naqvi, reflects the government’s stringent stance against smuggling. The confiscated goods, estimated to have a market value of approximately Rs. 20 million, were transported to the Collectorate’s warehouse aboard eight Mazda trucks for a thorough inspection and subsequent legal action.
The morale within Customs is reportedly at an all-time high, buoyed by the unwavering support of security and law enforcement agencies, as well as the district administration. This sentiment is echoed by the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir, who, in a recent meeting with local traders and businessmen, reaffirmed his zero-tolerance policy towards smuggling. General Munir emphasized that efforts are underway to eradicate smuggling entirely and that internal accountability within the armed forces is being strictly enforced to prevent any involvement in corrupt practices.