KARACHI: Pakistan Tax Bar Association (PTBA) has expressed mental stress and agony over an announcement made by Federal Board of Revenue named “Tajir Dost” Scheme. The announcement says that there is no need to pay any fee to any one and hiring an advocate.
In a letter addressed to Federal Finance Minister, PTBA letter said that it is of the view that FBR is shifting burden onto the lawyers community and giving a message that lawyers are the primary hurdle in implementation of any scheme including the Tajir Dost Scheme. PTBA letter says that hiring services of a lawyer is a fundamental right of a citizen against a mutually agreed fee.
PTBA also referred to the section 223 of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001 which acknowledges “Authorized Representatives” before the FBR and appellate forums, therefore FBR cannot exclude lawyers from any scheme if a party on its own accord is desirous of acquiring the services of a lawyer.
The PTBA demanded immediate removal of announcement which marginalizes a profession just for a publicity drive. Such acts will adversely affect the scheme, PTBA letter says.