QUETTA: Customs Quetta has achieved an unprecedented feat by seizing smuggled goods worth Rs10 billion in the last five months, matching the value of seized goods during the entire financial year ended June 30, 2023. This remarkable performance reflects the dedication and commitment of Customs Quetta to curb smuggling and protect the national economy.
Customs Quetta, led by Collector Muhammad Ismail, has conducted several successful operations against smugglers in the high sensitive and difficult terrain of Baluchistan, despite chronic shortage of resources. Additional Collector Umar Shafique and Additional Collector Rashid Munir are supervising the teams in the field, who have shown exemplary courage and professionalism.
The recovered goods include betel nut, gutkha, cloth, tyres, cigarettes, non-customs paid vehicles, sugar, urea, auto parts, medicine and other goods. In October 2023, Customs Quetta seized smuggled goods worth Rs2.22 billion, and improved their own record by recovering smuggled goods worth Rs3.4 billion in November 2023. In one operation, Customs staff recovered smuggled goods worth Rs1.0 billion from a caravan and arrested several persons.
Customs Quetta has also received full cooperation from law enforcement and security agencies in its anti-smuggling drive. Chief Collector Baluchistan Abdul Qadir Memon has appreciated the work of Muhammad Ismail and Customs Enforcement team, and lauded their contribution to the national interest. He has also urged the public to support Customs Quetta in its efforts to eliminate smuggling and safeguard the national revenue.