QUETTA: Under the able guidance of Chief Collector Balochistan Abdul Qadir Memon and strict directions of Collector Enforcement Khuzdar Muhammad Saleem Memon, Khuzdar Customs  on tip of information shared by IB  launched huge crakdown against smuggled goods with assistance of Police. 

During the night of 15/11/2023, staff of Customs Khurkhera and Surab under active supervision and monitoring of Additional Collector Sajid Ali Baloch and led by Deputy Collector Rana Umair Arshad conducted huge raids.

Recovered  goods contain 9 mazda trucks loaded with betel nuts, betel nuts supari, and cigarettes along with 20 ft container (godown raid at Hub) having market value of Rs. 134 million.

Whereas, 3 trucks loaded with huge quantity of solar plates (763 plates) seized at Surab; having market value of Rs. 51.2 million. 

Total Value of both the seizures comes to be 185.2 million rupees.

It may be mentioned here, Hub Baluchistan is actually the hub of smuggled betel nut and supari makers using substandard betel nut and harmful chemicals.

These betel nut cartel is quite influential. Despite, severe pressure Customs Khuzdar and I&I Gadani are continuing the anti-smuggling campaign.