KARACHI: Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has notified transfers and postings of BS-20, BS-19 and BS-18 officers of Pakistan Customs Service (PCS) with immediate effect.

Mr. Faiz Ali (Pakistan Customs Service/BS-20) is transferred from Collector, Collectorate of Customs, (Appeals), Islamabad. The officer is assigned additional charge of the post of Collector, Collectorate of Customs (Adjudication), Islamabad in addition to his own duties till posting of a regular incumbent.

Mr. Abdul Waheed Marwat (Pakistan Customs Service/BS-20) is moved from Collector, Collectorate of Customs (Adjudication), Islamabad to Collector, Collectorate of Customs, Gilgit-Baltistan.

Mr. Nisar Ahmad (Pakistan Customs Service/BS-19) is transferred from Collector, (OPS) Collectorate of Customs, Gilgit-Baltistan to Secretary, Federal Board of Revenue (HQ), Islamabad.

Mr. Najeeb Arjumand (Pakistan Customs Service/BS-18) is moved from the office of Deputy Director, Directorate of Intelligence & Investigation, FBR, Quetta to the office of Deputy Collector, Collectorate of Customs Appraisement, Peshawar.