KARACHI: Commercial imports (HC type) of DPP related commodities are being imported from all seaports of Karachi are being switched from WeBOC to PSW system in phases.

Initially, the import consignments of commodities which do not require an Import Permit but only Release Order (RO) bearing Product codes (HS code extended to 12 digits) will be completely shifted over to PSW and clearance will be subject to electronic issuance of Release Order by DPP through filing Single Declaration (SD) w.e.f. 19 th July 2022.

Foregoing in view, all traders/importers engaged in import of commodities falling under Product Codes mentioned below are informed to file Single Declaration (Imports) through PSW system for issuance of electronic Release Order from DPP and Customs clearance of their import consignments w.e.f. 19 th July 2022.