KARACHI: The arrested accused in Multan Institute of Kidney Diseases (MIKD), Asad Shaikh, is given for another 3-day joint remand to Appraisement East and Appraisement West. Initial investigations have been quite revealing and valuable data has been recovered from the mobile phone of the accused.

The accused Asad Shaikh and Dr. Ghulam Muhammad indulged in importing and getting cleared the items on suppressed value, which are not related to the declared objective of the Institute, in commercial quantity while availing exemption of duties and taxes under Special Classification Provision. Thus, they have inflicted heavy losses to the legitimate government revenue by availing the exemption which otherwise was not due.

MIKD cleared 38 GDs at MCC Appraisement West on the basis of forged documents to claim exemptions, while 31 GDs were processed at Appraisement Est of which 29 were on forged/fake documents. 42 consignments were also cleared through AFU Karachi and several other through AFU Lahore.

Sources said that the accused Asad Shaikh during investigations revealed involvement of several influential figures in Karachi Multan and Islamabad in this scam.

Collector Appraisement West Tahir Qureshi has nominated Taha Shaikh to investigate the case. He will operate under the supervision of Deputy Collector Raza Naqvi.

Collector Appraisement East Fayyaz Rasool has nominated Ghani Soomro to investigate the case. He will operate under the supervision of Deputy Collector Usman Tariq.