KARACHI: A Joint PRC / Passport Verification Counter for the Collectorates of Customs Appraisement West and East is established to streamline, simplify and facilitate the processes of receipt and subsequent verification of the Proceeds Realization Certificates (PRCs)/Bank Encashment Certificate (BECs) and Passports.
According to Collector Appraisement West Tahir Qureshi, this will not only minimize the interaction between the clearing agents and the staff posted at group but will also help in carrying out smooth and transparent clearance of vehicles.
The Counter shall be manned by officials comprising of staff posted from both Collectorates. The functions of the Joint PRC/ Passport verification counter are laid down for convenience of all stakeholders and are to be implemented with immediate effect till further orders:
STEP 1: The importers or clearing agents holding unique KCAA smart card for vehicle clearance only be allowed to submit the written request for verification of Proceed Realization certificate/Encashment certificate along with requisite documents i.e. original PRCs, copy of Passport / CNIC, copy of Bill of Lading and copy of original FRC (if required) at the Joint PRC/Passport verification counter.
STEP 2: The Front Desk staff will issue the acknowledgement slip of the submitted documents and shall feed the reference numbers of PRC/BEC in Excel sheet and check that no duplication in respect thereof exists and shall stamp “UTILIZED” on the original PRC/Encashment Certificate and affix the file number with Serial i.e. (SI/MISC/JPRC/No/2022 (E&W-VII) for further processing of the case.
STEP 3: The verification letters shall be sent through officially designated emails to the focal persons of Head Offices of relevant banks along with scanned copy of the PRC(s) provided by the importers/and their authorized customs agents. Upon receipt of PRC confirmation email, the staff shall prepare a list of bank replies in array of the File number. C/A name, Bank Name, PRC/BEC beneficiary name, email received date etc. and circulate the same at front counter notice board on the same day, and shall also be emailed to the designated email account provided by the Customs Clearing Anent Association. Then, the bank confirmation along with original PRCs, email printout shall be placed in the relevant file for further processing.
The approval file shall contain the following documents:
i. Original PRC / BEC
ii. Bank continuation print out
iii. Copy of Passport / CNIC
iv. Copy of original FRC (if required)
STEP 4: Appraising officers shall process the PRC files of vehicles upto 1800 cc and which are covered under SRO 577/2005 (Fixed Duty Regime) and PRC files of other vehicles will be put up for approval to his/her concerned Principal Appraiser in the light of the email received from the bank(s).
STEP 5: After approval, the documents of the relevant file shall be scanned and uploaded in the WeBOC system at the time of filing VB GD.
STEP 6: After filing of VB GD either at the Collectorate of Customs Appraisement East or West, the clearing agent shall submit the following documents at the front desk:
i. GD view print
ii. Original and a legible copy of Export Certificate
iii. Original and complete copy of passport/Seen verified colour copies in case of PE/PR schemes and in case of Gift scheme the attested copies of passport as notified by Ministry of Commerce
iv. Legible copy of the CNIC of Donee/Consignee (in case of gift scheme)
v. Original and legible copy of Family Registration Certificate (FRC) duly stamped and signed by CA (in case of gilt scheme).
STEP 7: After endorsement of Appraising Officer on the original and copy of the Export Certificate and Passport, both original documents shall be returned to the clearing agent / importer at Front Desk and the endorsed copy shall be placed on the relevant file.
The clearing agent shall scan and upload the endorsed Export Certificate and front page with relevant arrival/departure pages of Passport in WeBOC.
i. In case, the passenger intends to obtain verification of passport prior to filing of Goods Declaration, he/she can get passport verified in person or through custom house clearing agent from Joint PRC/ Passport verification counter.
ii. The clearing agent / importer will submit the request letter, original passport, speaking undertaking to the effect that the furnished documents and particular thereon are genuine/true and the vehicle is not stolen, calculation sheet confirming duration of abroad stay, copy of Bill of lading (showing chassis Number of vehicle) and colour copy of complete passport at the Joint PRC / Passport Verification Counter.
iii. The Appraising Officer shall scrutinize the import documents to verify and determine the eligibility of import conditions or vehicle as specified in Appendix of Import Policy Order 2022 and after due scrutiny he/she will endorse the original and coloured copy of complete passport on same day and the original passport will be returned to the passenger/clearing agent against proper acknowledgment at the Front Desk.
Already approved PRCs from either of the Collectorates shall be acceptable for clearance of vehicle.