QUETTA: Field Enforcement Unit of Customs Enforcement Quetta has launched a crackdown on the movement of smuggled goods at various check posts in the last 48 hours.

Operations were conducted at Noshki, Yaro and Shaheed shaikh Abdul Qudoos check posts. Hundreds of parcels and cartons stuffed with foreign origin smuggled goods including harmful Chinese salt, Indian gutkha, betel nut, ladies cloth and dry fruits were recovered. The vehicles used in the transportation of smuggled goods were also apprehended.

The value of the seized goods and vehicles comes to Rs 40 million. Deputy Collector Hamid Hussain and Inspector Zaman Mazari oversee the operation at Noshki. Deputy Collector Muhammad Ahmed, Inspectors Shahzad Akhtar, Salahuddin Khoso and Bashir Wazir undertook the operation at Yaro check post. Assistant Collector Bazgul, Superintendent Khurshid Husni, Inspectors Fareed Rind, Mir Qalam and class fourth staff conducted the operation at Shaheed Abdul Qudoos check post.

All check posts on the routes to Karachi and Punjab have been further alerted. Customs Enforcement Quetta has invested all resources in the anti-smuggling campaign, but they are only able to arrest around 5.0% of the smuggled goods. Customs Quetta does not have enough manpower and pace to conduct broad based checking and inspection, and is only undertaking intelligence based operations.