KARACHI: MCC Appraisement East has lodged an FIR against M/s Anaya Impex and M/s Annex Agencies for mis-declaring in terms of description, quantity, unit value and classification of the imported goods in order to evade legitimate government revenue.
M/s. Anaya Impex filed Goods Declaration through their authorized clearing agent M/s Annex Agencies for the clearance of a consignment declared to contain “PVC RIGID SHEET IN ROLLS/P.ROLL”, at $1.2/Kg, HS Code 3920.9900, Quantity 44.7 tons, with declared Invoice value of $53,648.
The importer determined his liability of payment of applicable duty & taxes and sought clearance. In order to check as to whether the importer has correctly paid the legitimate amount of duties and taxes, Collector Fayyaz Rasool advised scrutiny of the GD through assessment in Yellow channel.
Meanwhile, information was received through Deputy collector R&D Usman Section that the importer M/s. Anaya Impex is importing PET Film Metallized and /Lacquer Coated, which is classifiable under 3920.6200 at value $2.35/Kg, as per Valuation Ruling No. 1204/2017 dated 22.08.1017 issued under section 25A of the Customs Act, 1969 under the garb of PVC Rigid Film with declared value of $1.2/Kg to evade significant amount of government revenue.
The GD was marked for examination for confirmation of actual quantity and description through Custom House Lab.
Scrutiny established that the importer and their agent mis-declared description, weight, Value and PCT of imported goods to evade government revenue of Rs6.4 million.
Moreover, scrutiny of previous imports of M/s Anaya Impex revealed the importer had cleared goods with similar description in previous seven GDs. If mis-declaration is proved, loss to the national exchequer will be Rs25.85 million, which is in addition to the Rs6.4 million evaded in the instant case.
An FIR is lodged and investigations are underway.