LAHORE: Directorate of Customs Intelligence and Investigation Lahore has made seizures Valuing Rs 402.871 million by framing 20 seizures during the month of May 2021, comprising of both Range Office Lahore and Gujranivala.

It is relevant to share that ASO of I&I-Customs Lahore, so far in the ensuing fiscal year, has made seizures worth R 5.054 million by framing 256 seizures.

It may be mentioned here that on the instructions of Director Asad Raza Rizvi and Additional Director Hasan Farid, the I&I staff has further strengthened the intelligence network and increased vigilance on the transportation routes.

In addition to ASO performance, the Enforcement branch also performed exceptionally well when compared to last year performance. During the month of April 2021, the Enforcement branch made out 6 cases involving Rs 1.637 billion as duty and taxes.

It is relevant to share that Enforcement branch of l&I-Customs, Lahore so far in the ensuing fiscal year has made contravention/seizure cases worth of Rs4.672 billion as duty and taxes by framing 79 contraventions/seizures.

It is relevant to mention here that I&I Lahore rendered unremitting and strenuous efforts to intercept the smuggling of contraband goods and vehicles despite the fact that the Directorate has shortage of human and financial resources.