KARACHI: In a third successful operation against contraband narcotics, ASO of MCC Preventive Karachi recovered 2.5 kgs of Meth-Amphetamine crystal from a bus and arrested the accused at Moachko choke point.
Information was passed through Collector Muhammad Saqif Saeed regarding movement of narcotics in a Daewoo passenger bus at Moachko Choke point.
The value of the seized narcotics is Rs55 million while the value of passenger bus is Rs15 million.
In May, 2021 ASO of MCC Preventive has confiscated 14.2 kg worth Rs 312.4 million of Meth-Amphetamine.
The network of this drug mafia has been shaken and broken while utilizing ASO’s very own resources.
The operation was conducted as per the directions of the Collector Muhammad Saqif Saeed and Adittional Collector Haroon Waqar Malik and was supervised by Assistant Collector Shafi Ullah and SPS ASO Abdul Jabbar Khan Niazi.