SUKKUR: On the eve of International Customs Day and to carry out the legacy of destroying confiscated goods of contraband nature in the month of January, the Range Office Sukkur destroyed large quantity of contraband goods on 16th January 2021 worth Rs 213 Million.

The following items were destroyed:

  1. Betel Nuts 84,950 kg
  2. Indian Gutkha 28,224 pckt
  3. F/o Cigarattes 33,385 dandas
  4. Poppy seeds 13,550 kg
  5. Skimmed Milk (expired) 1750 kg etc

These contraband goods are either banned or are unfit for human consumption.

The destruction ceremony was attended by Deputy Director HQ Customs Intelligence Hyd Syed Muhammad Raza Naqvi, Deputy Commissioner Sukkur Mr Rana Adeel, Director Sukkur Muncipal Corporation, Vice President Sukkur Chamber of Commerce, Asssiatnt Director ANF, Assistant Director IB, Superintendent Rangers (Major equivalent) Sindh Rangers, DSP Sukkur Police, Incharge ASO MCC Sukkur, Rep of Press Information Deptt, Rep of Environmental Protection Agency and our staff including Principal Appraiser Ali Ahmed Talpur, Supdt GM Shar and Inspectors and a large contingent of Media

At the end of ceremony, Shields were presented by DD Customs Intelligence Raza Naqvi to Deputy Commissioner Sukkur, Vice President Sukkur Chamber of Commerce and SR Rangers on behalf of Wing Commander Rangers.