KARACHI: Former Vice President FPCCI and CEO of UTrade Logistics Sharjeel Jamal has criticized pre-mature transfers of Director I&I Karachi Yaqoob Mako and Director I&I Quetta Samiul Haq saying such moves would impact the morale of officers.

“This has obviously dampened the morale of all and been the cause of collapse of the system. How can your country progress when all you do is over look the needs and rights of the people who run the government? They are trained and experienced officers/the machinery, which runs the country. As a result, the bureaucracy is attracting all crooks and criminals from joining the service,” Jamal said criticizing the meager salaries of officers.

“Need of the hour is to focus on this sector and create a positive conducive environment for the honest ones to work in. No plot, no free housing incentives for those who are the actual brains behind every success of the This  is stamping out the very existence of honest and brilliant officers”.

Jamal said the genuine complaints by importers and traders regarding harassment and bribery are not entertained. However, fake complaints with vested interests and political motives are entertained and transfers are done.