KARACHI: Issuance of pre-admission notices were ordered by a custom appellate bench of High Court of Sindh in a constitution petition filed by Winway Mineral Resources (Pvt) Limited challenging a hold placed by DIT on consignment of machinery etc.
Earlier a counsel from Franklin Law Associates representing the petitioner company submitted that machinery and other goods were imported for a mining project of Balochistan. The consignment was duly assessed and duty and taxes were paid. The petitioner company was granted exemption under 5th Schedule of Customs and Sales Tax as per law settled in a case known as Ashia Steel case.
The respondents however on intervention by the DIT placed a hold as DIT disputed exemption.
The counsel for petitioner maintained that no notice was served nor they were confronted with any material to justify such hold. The counsel expressed apprehension of criminal action and sought stay. The court however while ordering issuance of pre-admission notices for a date after two weeks asked the respondents to conduct themselves strictly in accordance with law and to provide a full hearing to the petitioner side before taking any adverse action.