KARACHI: More than 5000 cases are being reported daily since a week and as per government,s own estimates the number of case by July will be over million.

These are the conservative figures as Pakistan has a testing facility of 30000 per day and the figures could have been much higher with higher rate of tests. As per experts situation has gone beyond control and Pakistan may have already reached the ONE MILLION figure by June 01.

The Federal Minister Asad Umar sounded alarm bells yesterday but still harps the tune of, smart lock down. The government decision to ease the lock down before Eid-ul-fitr under pressure from trade and businesses and madness amongst general public, violation of SOPs at shopping places and markets is now resulting in fast spreading virus besides increasing deaths.

Sindh government yesterday proposed lockdown with restrictions like curfew but still has to wait for decision by the Federal government as restriction on train travel or barring entry of train in Sindh  needs a nod from federal government which is confused and adament due to unique thinking of Prime Minister Imran Khan. Any further delay in taking strict decisions may lead to heavy losses. As per recent reports more than 50 workers of a single media house have contracted Corona virus and similar news are coming from other media houses. The health care system is also likely to collapse in next few days while the stocks of  life saving anti Corona medicines are already exhausted. Even Oxygen cylinders for so-called Oxygenated beds are not available exposing no preparations to meet the worst scenario emerging fast.

Experts in medicines are advising rather crying for a stricter lock down but these appears to falling on deaf ears as government is losing the policy of it’s leader. So dear country men ,ghabrana nahin hai, and be prepared to face the worst as if any thing happens to you or your dear ones it will be your own fault.