PERTH: Bioplatforms Australia, The University of Western Australia and Proteomics International have combined forces to launch a cutting-edge facility to explore biological markers affecting medicine, agriculture, the environment and marine world.

The partners will co-invest over $4 million over the next four years in a newly expanded Western Australian Proteomics Facility which launched last week and will be managed by Proteomics International and The University of Western Australia (UWA).

Under the management agreement, Bioplatforms Australia (through the Commonwealth Government National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)) will contribute $1.9 million to the Facility for capital and operational purposes, of which half the funds will go to Proteomics International and the company will match this funding dollar for dollar.

The expanded facility is also supported by the Western Australian Government through its co-investment in new NCRIS capital research infrastructure. This facility brings new technology to WA and combines the expertise of Proteomics International and UWA to determine how proteins change in abundance and type in response to disease and harsh environments.

Dr Richard Lipscombe, Managing Director of Proteomics International said, “This investment is a substantial development for Proteomics International and the State. It will materially expand our capability to undertake cutting-edge biomarker research which could lead to identifying new drug targets or the creation of diagnostic tests across medicine and agriculture. It will significantly boost both our analytical services and R&D activities”.