KARACHI: President Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI) Junaid Esmail Makda has appreciated the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) for holding numerous meeting with KCCI and taking into consideration KCCI’s suggestion pertaining to exemption of withholding tax to yarn traders into consideration as they were overburdened with additional taxes.


In a statement issued, Junaid Makda pointed out that under Section 45A of Part IV of the Income Tax Ordinance about Exemption from Specific Provisions, the sales, supplies and services made by traders of yarn to taxpayers from textile & articles, carpets, leather & Articles including artificial leather footwear, surgical goods and sportswear sector will not be subjected to deduction of withholding tax.

He said that such traders of yarn shall pay 0.1 percent minimum tax on their annual turnover on monthly basis on the 30th day of each month and monthly withholding tax statement shall be e-filed under the provision of section 165 of the Income Tax Ordinance, which was widely being demanded by relevant stakeholders.

He hoped that misinterpretation and incorrect application of Section 113 of Income Tax Ordinance which was against the spirit of SRO.333 (I) 2011 will not be repeated again and FBR would continue to take more such steps which were badly needed as the loyal taxpayers from different sectors of the economy were facing immense hardships and were finding it hard to continue their businesses because of exorbitantly high cost of doing business which must be brought down to provide a level playing field and make Pakistani goods competitive.