KARACHI: Hutchison Ports Pakistan welcomed the China India Express, the country’s first ever 11,923TEUs container ship to call at its terminal. This is the first time a container vessel of this size has berthed in Pakistan.
The China India Express, operated by COSCO Shipping Lines Pakistan Ltd. has a capacity of 11,923TEUs, making it the largest ship to berth at any terminal in Pakistan.
“The extension of China India Express to Pakistan is the start of a new era in our container sea trade,” said Captain Syed Rashid Jamil, General Manager and Head of Business Unit, Hutchison Ports Pakistan. “Our terminal’s location and state-of-the-art equipment enable us to efficiently handle vessels of this size in the quickest time possible. We are delighted to become the first ever terminal in Pakistan to welcome 11,923TEUs vessel. We would like to thank our partners COSCO, OOCL and CMA CGM, for helping us accomplish this historic milestone.”
Hutchison Ports Pakistan is the only container terminal in Pakistan with a depth alongside of 16.5 metres, able to accommodate large size megaships. The terminal is equipped with 8 remote controlled quay cranes and 29 rubber-tired gantry cranes (RTGCs) being operated by nGen, Hutchison Ports’ proven terminal control system. nGen controls operations with the highest level of efficiency including yard and quay operations.