KARACHI: The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has notified the syllabus for combined examination to departmental candidates for consideration for promotion to the posts of Inspector Customs, Intelligence Officer, Preventive Officer and Appraising/Valuation Officer in BS-16.

Upon up-gradation of the posts of Inspector Customs/Intelligence Officer, Appraising Officer, Preventive Officer etc from BPS-14-15 to BPS-16, new Recruitment Rules-2015 were framed for the above posts. According to the Recruitment Rules, 50 percent quota in above posts has been specified for initial appointment and 50 percent for promotion of departmental employees after passing Departmental Promotional Examination in a manner prescribed by FBR and to be conducted by DOT (Customs) or any credible organization.

In pursuance of the said provision contained in Para-3 of the Recruitment Rules, the FBR drafted the syllabus for the departmental examination and circulated to the Chief Collectors of Customs for views/comments of the Collectorates working under their jurisdiction.

On receipt of their views/comments, the syllabus was re-drafted and submitted to the Customs Wing of FBR for its input. After consulting the field formations and the Customs Wing, the final draft was submitted to the Chairman FBR /Secretary Revenue Division who has accorded approval to the syllabus.

It may be mentioned here the old recruitment rules for above posts have been superseded, hence the waiting list of candidates (if any) maintained by the field formations under the old rules have also become abolished. Therefore, all officials, who had passed the departmental examination under the old (superseded) recruitment rules and could not be promoted due to non availability of vacancies, shall have to compete in the examination along-with other candidates as per new rules and syllabus on availability of vacancies.

Seniority of the departmental selected candidates in a batch will be determined in the order of merit assigned by the DPC on the basis of marks in written test & interview. Those who qualify the examination first and are approved by the DPC for promotion, will, on such promotion, rank senior to those who are approved and promoted on the basis of results of subsequent departmental examinations. Provided that the introduction of these rules shall not affect the seniority determined under the previous rules.

The post of Inspector/Intelligence Officer and Preventive Officer are mainly meant for operational/protocol/field duties and require good physique.

Persons appointed through promotional examination will undergo necessary training of 12 to 15 weeks at the Directorate of Training & Research as already provided in the Recruitment Rules, 2015.