KARACHI: Directorate of Customs Intelligence and Investigation, Karachi made a seizure report regarding seizure of large quantity of smuggled goods including chewing tobacco and cigarettes from a warehouse near City Courts, Karachi.
In the incident report, Directorate along with the details of raid and seizure mentioned that www.customnews.pk ran story about this raid. The incident has falsely claimed that www.customnews.pk ran the story that private persons were dressed in uniforms carrying official weapons.
It is clarified that customnews.pk did not run any such story, which allegedly was carried by certain other media outlets.
However, www.customnews.pk is in possession of material evidence, which suggests that civilians accompanied the raiding staff of Directorate of Customs Intelligence and Investigation Karachi.
It may be mentioned here that www.customnews.pk ran a number of stories about a year ago reporting that officials of the Directorate used private persons for raids. These civilians used official vehicles and weapons. In fact the officials of Directorate were patronising the smugglers and such raids conducted for face saving performance and at times to pressurise and harass importers and traders.