KARACHI: Karachi Customs Agents Association (KCAA) is holding its annual general elections in September 16, 2017. Customs Agents Alliance has nominated its panel to participate in the elections.

The customs agents’ fraternity has always been facing various issues and problems and an honest and committed leadership can represent the agents at all forums as Customs Agents Alliance has always done and solved problems of the agents.

Following are some of the jobs done by Customs Agents Alliance:

Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) on the recommendations of Customs Agents Association solved the sales tax deregistration of customs agents. The license renewal of customs agents is now for five years instead of two years earlier. The Association managed to start 24/7 delivery of FCL cargo at off-dock terminals,

Customs Agents Alliance managed to end the unnecessary issuance of electronic import form (EIF) and now consignments valuing less than $490 and less than 100kg are not required to file electronic import form.

The current managing committee of the Karachi customs agent association also discussed problems of taxpayers with National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) management and 30 counters are being added in the NBP branch for duty/tax collection.

Moreover, a very importance suggestion of the association was accepted and now the record of lab tests of consignments is available to the examination staff.

It is quite evident that the nominated panel of Customs Agents Alliance has served the customs agents at the best and the alliance is continuing to work for the betterment of the customs agents and in this regard the alliance is in constant contact with FBR.

Customs Agents Alliance urges the agents to vote for its nominated panel in the upcoming elections of Karachi Customs Agents Association (KCAA).

Customs Agents Alliance has nominated Faisal Mushtaq for President, Mohammad Amin Esasni for senior vice president, Mirza Athar Baig for Vice President, Mehmood-ul-Hasan for assistant vice president, Mohammad Amir for General Secretary, Hasan Shaikh Vohra for Joint Secretary, Rana Zahid Farooq for Information Secretary and Mohammad Munaf Jangda for Finance Secretary.

For managing committee, Customs Agents Alliance has nominated Abul Hasan Chakshi, Ahmed Shahzad Khan, Danish Naseer, Faheem-ul-Hasan, Iqbal Zafar Alam, Islah Ali Ansari, Kashif Anwer, Khawaja Zeeshan Iqbal, Mirza Abdul Hannan Baig, Nausherwan Haider, Rao Mohammad Shafique and Shahzad Ashraf.