KARACHI: Director Customs Valuation Wasif Memon has revised the customs values of copper tube & copper capillary tube vide Valuation Ruling No. 911/2016.
The customs values of copper tube & copper capillary tube were earlier determined vide Valuation Ruling No.314/2011. Since the ruling was over five years old, an exercise was initiated to determine the values of goods afresh.
The customs values of copper capillary tube under PCT code 7411.1010 and 7411.1090 are fixed on per MT basis as LMB price + $800 as fabrication costs + $45 on account of freight and other charges.
The customs values of copper tube under PCT code 7411.1020 and 7411.1090 are fixed on per MT basis as LMB price + $2350 as fabrication costs + $45 on account of freight and other charges.