KARACHI: Director Customs Valuation Karachi Dr. Wasif Memon has revised the customs values of Vacuum flasks vide Valuation Ruling No.864/2016.
It was known that values of vacuum flasks had increased in the international market as compared to determined values vide earlier Valuation Ruling No.473/2012.
Therefore, an exercise was initiated to determine the values of vacuum flasks afresh under PCT 9617.0010.
The customs values of vacuum flasks (outer casing of coated GP sheet with inside refill of glass) of China are fixed at $2.5/KG, of Japan at $3.2/KG and all other origins at $2.75/KG.
The customs values of vacuum flasks (outer casing of stainless steel with inside refill of glass) of China are fixed at $3.8/KG and all other origins at $4.3/KG.
The customs values of vacuum flasks (outer casing of stainless steel with inside refill of stainless steel) of China are fixed at $4.8/KG, of Japan/USA at $6.5/KG and all other origins at $5.5/KG.
The customs values of vacuum flasks (outer casing of plastic with inside refill of glass) of China are fixed at $2.0/KG and all other origins at $2.3/KG.