KARACHI: Director of Customs Valuation Dr. Wasif Memon has revised the Customs values of one side coated duplex board in sheets 300 GSM & up and one side coated duplex board other than grey back in sheets, offset paper vide Valuation Ruling No. 827/2016.

All Pakistan Papers Merchants Association has requested for revisiting the Valuation Ruling to reflect current prices prevalent in the international market.

The Customs values of one side coated duplex board grey back in sheets 300 GSM & up under PCT 48.10 of China/Hong Kong/ Indonesia/Malaysia origin are fixed at $0.49/KG, of Korea at $0.50?KG, of Europe/USA/Canada at 0.53/Kg and other origins at $0.54/KG.

The Customs values of one side coated duplex board other than grey back in sheets under PCT 48.10 of China origin are fixed at $0.67/KG, of Europe/USA/Canada at 0.74/Kg and other origins at $0.73/KG.

The Customs values of uncoated offset paper for writing, printing and photocopying under PCT 48.02 of Australia origin are fixed at $0.82/KG, of Brazil at $0.78/KG, of China  at 0.73/Kg, of Indonesia at $0.72/KG, of Japan at $0.77/KG, of Russia at $0.76/KG of Thailand at $1.07/KG and other origins at $0.78/KG.