KARACHI: Manzoor Hussain Memon Director of Directorate General of Customs Valuation has revised the Customs values of non-topping dairy cream vide Valuation Ruling No. 801/2016 on January 22, 2016.
Background of the valuation issue is that Customs values of non-dairy topping cream was determined vide said Valuation Ruling on complaint of under invoicing import of the product of Vietnam origin.
In this regard Vietnam Trade Mission in Karachi was consulted to ascertain the export price of the exporter. The Vietnam Trade Mission in its reply quoted invoice price for Pakistan as $0.94 kilogrammes.
But these invoices did not show the Vietnamese Customs clearance proof hence it was decided to hold a meeting with the importers of the cream.
In five session meetings with the imports of Vietnamese and other origins non-dairy topping cream the invoice prices of import could not be ascertained as they were varying to each other.
Since the importers were not forthcoming to furnish the complete and correct information regarding import price, it was decided to proceed on merit in the light of available Customs import methods.
A valuation method in Section 25 of the Customs Act 1969 under sub-Section (7) was applied to address the valuation issue in hand.
The valuation was determined under PCT heading 2106.9090, proposed PCT for WeBOC 2106.9090 USA/EU origin at $2.20 (C&F) per kilogramme for non-dairy topping cream (Rich’s brand) and PCT 2106.9090.1100 for all other origins at $1.85 per kilogrammes.
Under PCT heading 2106.9090.1200 USA and EU origin the price determined as $1.80 per kilogrammes, for 2106.9090.1300 Malaysia at $1.60 per kilogrammes, for 2106.9090.1400 Vietnam at $1.40 per kilogrammes, and 2106.9090.1500 for all other origin at $1.50 per kilogrammes. Al these brands were excluding Rich’s brand.
It is also mentioned that in case where declared/transaction values are higher than the Customs values determined in this ruling, the assessing officers shall apply those values in terms of Sub-Section (I) of Section 25 of Customs Act 1969. In case of consignments imported by air or by land route, the assessing officer shall take into account the differential between air freight or land route, transportation charges and sea freight while applying Customs values determined in this ruling.
The values determined vide this ruling shall be applicable Customs value for assessment of subject imported goods until and unless it is rescinded or revised by the competent authority in terms of sub-Sections (4) of Section 25-A or ection 25-D of the Customs Act 1969.
It is said that a revision petition may be filed against this ruling as provided under Section 25-D of the Customs Act 1969, within 30 days from the date of issue before Director General Directorate General of Customs Valuation, Customs House Karachi.