KARACHI: The Directorate General of Customs Intelligence & Investigation has transferred the staff of Regional office Karachi and warned the officials to comply with the transfers immediately. Despite the transfer and clear directives from the Directorate General, Haji Aslam conducted raids at warehouses in SITE, Razzakabad and Quaidabad. There is a word that Haji Aslam and company received hefty extortion from smugglers and attempted to blackmail legitimate companies.

SIO Haji Aslam and IO Pervez Zardari have been transferred to Range office Sukkur, IO Akmal Hashmi is moved to FIU Hyderabad, IO Ahmed Hussain Junejo has been posted at FIU Hyderabad.IO  Nawabzada Javed Haider is posted at ASO Karachi, IO Syed Moshin Ali Shah is moved from Range office Sukkur to ASO Karachi. IO Noor Mohammad Shah is moved from FIU Hyderabad to Range office Sukkur and Inspector Nadeem Hussain Isran is moved from Range Office Sukkur to ASO Karachi.

DG I&I noted in an order that all the above mentioned officers stand relieved and are directed to report to their new place of posting on Friday January 08, 2016. Any deviation from the order will be viewed seriously and strict disciplinary action will be taken against the default, which may include stoppage of 100 percent performance allowance.

It may be mentioned here that officials of ASO Karachi were on duty off because of their involvement in smuggling and transshipment (TP) cargo pilferage. After these were transferred, there were reports that these officials of ASO Karachi would not join their new offices and take leave until their postings are restored back in Karachi.

However, the DG taking cognizance of this possibility warned the transferred officials to assume their new postings with immediate effect.

Sources said that certain Customs officials were under surveillance and their affairs were being closely monitored because of their alleged anti-state and criminal activities. It was known that above mentioned officials were operating a group of a dozen private persons having fake Customs Intelligence cards and were patronizing smuggling.

rtain Customs officials were under surveillance and their affairs were being closely monitored because of their alleged anti-state and criminal activities. It was known that above mentioned officials were operating a group of a dozen private persons having fake Customs Intelligence cards and were patronizing smuggling.