custom 4x6KARACHI: The MCC Collector Appraisement West has made record recovery in a week realizing a sum around Rs300 million.

According to the details of the case, the Departmental Audit committee (DAC) in a recent observation had highlighted non-recovery of Rs1100 million approximately. The Audit paras regarding this amount were to be discussed at the Public Account Committee (PAC) on March 18, 2015.

(DAC had underlined the need of strenuous efforts on the part of Appraisement Karachi to effect recovery of long outstanding government dues of Rs1.127 billion.

The DAC highlighted blockade of government revenue, which was recoverable from various organizations since 1998-99. DAC had noted the department did not take effective steps for realization of the same.

However, Collector Appraisement West Mohammad Saleem took the task and formed a committee headed by Additional Collector Naeem Akhtar. The team included 8 assistant collectors, 2 principal appraiser and 8 appraisers to effect recovery.

The team worked round the clock and made recoveries of hundreds of millions of rupees in a record time.

As sums which were non-recovered had been realized the observations paras made by the Audit were settled and removed from the DAC report.