KARACHI: Customs Appraisement West will be issuing an “Assessment Alert’ to check mis-declaration of classification on the import of chemicals SDO-222, SDO-111, SDO-333, SDO-555 and SDO-999.
The Collectorate observed that several importers are trying to clear an item by mentioning trade names SDO-222, SDO-111, SDO-333, SDO-555 and SDO-999 under PCT heading 3824.9099 attracting customs duty of 10%.
The Collectorate referred a representative sample of SDO-222 to HEJ laboratory for test and as per analytical report the goods have been reported to be Cefixime antibiotic thus correctly classifiable under PCT, heading 2941.9060 chargeable -to customs duty of 15%. Import of Cefixime is not permitted from India.
All concerned assessment groups have been advised to exercise due care in assessing the GDs pertaining to aforesaid goods.
Recently, Appraisement West detected a consignment of M/s Cemi zone imported from India. The consignment was shipped by M/s Covalent Laboratories (Pvt) Limited declared to contain large quantity of SDO-222.
In order to confirm the declaration given by the trader, the consignment was referred for physical examination and representative samples were drawn and sent to Customs House Laboratory for test. The laboratory reported that the goods consist of mixture of aromatic organic ester, amino compound modified with carboxyl function compound in the form of white powder.
The samples were also sent to HEJ Laboratory, University of Karachi for analytical test, which reported that the consignment actually consist of cefixime antibiotic. Hence, the consignment has been seized.