KARACHI: The R&D section of MCC Appraisement East has lodged an FIR against one Mohammad Asif s/o Nadirullah of Sundus Fertilizers and Chemicals Pakistan (Pvt) Limited for evading tax and duty worth Rs5.4 million through mis-declaration of imported goods.

According to the details, Mohammad Asif, who is also the President of Vehari Chamber of Commerce & Industry, imported a consignment and sought clearance declaring the goods to be calcium phosphate classifiable under PCT 2933.2020

Acting on information, Deputy Collector Qasim Khokar and Principal Appraiser Javed Akhtar put hold on the consignment and referred for the Examination. The examination of the subject consignments found the imported goods to be pesticides classifiable under PCT 2830.2600 instead of the declared calcium phosphate.

The goods found in the consignment are used for agriculture purpose and cannot be imported without a license from Ministry of Health for its import.

It may be mentioned here that Mohammad Asif and Sundus Fertilizers and Chemicals Pakistan (Pvt) Limited do not come with a clean reputation as they had already been found involved in mis-declaration and duty evasion and MCC Appraisement East prepared a contravention against them earlier.

Moreover, their clearing agent Rehmat Trading has also been involved in mis-declaration case with MCC Appraisement East. Rehmat Trading sought clearance of a consignment declaring it to be MEG and the goods were found to be pesticides.

It was learnt that Collector Appraisement East Najeeb Abbasi and Additional Collector Wajid Ali disregarding all the pressure pursued the R&D to lodge the FIR.

Investigations are underway and the accused is expected to be arrested in a day or two.