KARACHI: The Directorate General of Customs Valuation has determined the Customs values tri-cycles and swing cars (manual) vide Valuation Ruling No.666/2014.
A reference was received from Model Customs Collectorate Appraisement (East), Karachi, regarding under invoicing in import of Tri-Cycles & Swing Cars (Manual). An exercise to determine the Customs values of subject goods under Section 25A of the Customs Act, 1969 was initiated.
Valuation methods given in Section 25 of the Customs Act, 1969 were followed. Transaction value method in terms of Sub-Section (1) of Section 25 was found inapplicable because information required as per law related to different specifications and origins was not available. Values under identical and Similar Goods Value Method as provided under Sub-Sections (5) & (6) of Section 25 of the Customs Act, 1969 were examined but the same could not be relied upon. Consequently market inquiry based Deductive Value method in terms of Sub-Section (7) of Section 25 of the Custom Act, 1969 were adopted to determine Customs values for Tri Cycles & Swing Cars (Manual) read with Sub-Section (9) ibid.
Tri-cycle and swing cars (manual) imported from China under PCT Heading 9503.0010 would now be assessed to duty/taxes at $2.0 / KG.