KARACHI: Model Customs Collectorate (MCC) Appraisement West has directed the terminal operators not to impose demurrage charges during examination request message till grounding of containers.
In an official order, Model Customs Collectorate (MCC) Appraisement West said that the department was receiving continuous complaints against the terminal operators for adversely affecting the trade.
It said that the traders complained that due to terminal operators behavior the clearance cargo is delayed as grounding of containers for physical examination is carried out after exhaustion of allotted free time.
The also complained that illegal charging of demurrage incurred due to the overstay thereof.
The collectorate exercising the powers under Section 203 of Customs Act, 1969, ordered that custodian of authorized customs areas/terminals wharves notified for loading / unloading of goods in terms of section 9 & 10 of the ibid Act, falling within the jurisdiction of MCC Appraisement (West) Custom House, Karachi, shall not count the time taken from Examination Request (ER) message till grounding of containers message while calculating the free time earmarked to the importers for clearance of the imported goods.
The collectorate warned the terminal operators that if they failed to comply orders then they would face stern action under the Customs Act, 1969, besides they would liable to deposit the undue amount charged into the government exchequer.
Recently, a similar notification was issued by MCC Appraisement East restricting terminal operators from imposing demurrage charges during examination period.