KARACHI: The roads linking the Custom House and Karachi Port were blocked by some miscreants on Wednesday in protest against Supreme Court of Pakistan order to arrest Prime Minister in Rental Power Projects (RPPs) corruption case.
The miscreants blocked the roads by jamming heavy trailers on all in-and-out to Custom House and port areas to hurting import/export and clearance activities. [the_ad id=”31605″] An eye witness said that by doing this the miscreants trying an impression that a large number of people were protesting but in fact not a single person there.
The witness said that thousands of vehicles were remained stuck-up for about four hours for nothing amidst the fear of another protest in Islamabad staged by Tahirul Qadri, chief of Minhaj ul Quran for removal of the present government.
The eye witness also stated that a day earlier when the apex court ordered to arrest 16 accused, including Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf, mass protest broke out across Sindh. However, witnesses gathered from various areas of Karachi revealed that the entire protests staged through creating fear and there were no human support to such protests.