Sui Southern Gas Company’s Operation Grift is intensely pursing its ongoing campaign that has been pulling out all stops to uproot the evil known as gas theft from the society. It should be noted, that few years ago the Company had set up a Counter Gas Theft Operations Department, solely to address cases related to gas theft so that this nuisance can be stopped from spreading.

Recently, in its attempt to apprehend gas thieves Customer Relations Department (CRD) and SS&CGTO (Security Services and Counter Gas Theft Operations) teams carried out joint raids in various areas of Sindh and Balochistan and disconnected many illegal access points and connections.

In Quetta 225 illegal gas connections were removed from major areas including Cantt zone, Saryab zone and other major zones within and outside the city for which appropriate claims are being raised.

In Karachi, raids were carried out in Ramswami Garden and different areas of Nazimabad, where 56 disconnections were made for which appropriate claims are being raised.

In Larkana and Nawabshah, 12 illegal connections were made. All rubber pipes and clamps used for illegally accessing the gas from the Company’s main distribution line were removed on the spot and taken in the custody. Appropriate claims are being raised against the miscreants who are involved in this crime against the society. These elements hurt their society by illegally obtaining a natural resource that they should not have access to.

SSGC will continue to take strict action against all those involved in gas theft and its Operation Grift will continue to strengthen by picking up the speed to uproot this evil from the society. The Company urges all its customers to come forward and report any incidences of gas theft that they may notice in their surroundings.