PM Imran Khan awards Hussain Dawood for 4 Best Companies at PSX Ceremony.
Karachi: Pakistan Stock Exchange held the Top 25 Companies Awards Ceremony, honoring the top companies of Pakistan. This is the most prestigious and sought out recognition for the Corporate sector of Pakistan. The occasion was graced by the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan.
Hussain Dawood, Chairman, Dawood Hercules Corporation and Chairman, Engro Corporation, received four prestigious awards on the occasion. These were for the following: Dawood Hercules Corporation at 20 in 2018, Engro Corporation Limited at 15 in 2018, Engro Fertilizer at 17 in 2018, and Engro Fertilizer Limited at 10 in 2017.
The companies winning the awards belong to a broad spectrum of industries meeting or exceeding the pre-requisites of Capital Efficiency, Dividend Distribution, Growth in Operating Revenues, Turnover, Corporate Governance and Investor Relations. The wining companies were awarded for three years i.e. 2016, 2017 and 2018.