KARACHI: A number of Customs officials ranging from Grade-1 to Grade-15 might be deprived of the promotion and up-gradation as they could not be able to submit their Annual Confidential Report (ACR) to the Department Promotion Committee (DPC) that would convene on Wednesday, April 30, 2014.
According to a circular issued on April 26, 2014, the MCC Appraisement in pursuance of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR)’s instructions issued vide C. No. 2(4) Customs-III/2014, dated March 07, 2014 and 23.04.2014, directed to finalize the up-gradation & promotion cases of the officials of BS-1 to 15 within given time line.
All the Office Superintendents, Deputy Superintendents (ministerial), UDCs and LDCs are once again directed to complete their ACRs up to date, within three days, so that exercise of promotion can be finalized within the given time line.
“If this is not done by any official then his case will be finalized as per available record,” the circular added.
The officials are of the view that three-day time was not sufficient to update the ACR as it was a time consuming exercise depending on the availability of the officers concerned on their positions.
Such officials said that many of them had not been able to submit their Report due to the limited timeline and they might be denied promotions.
Time period of three days for submitting ACR and majority could not submit their ACRs and might be deprived of the promotion
However, Customs Administration sources said that the employees were supposed to submit their ACRs every year but most of them did not submit reports annually adding that there would be no extension in the time line.
DPC comprising of Deputy Collectors Head Quarter of MCC Export, MCC Preventive, MCC Appraisement-West, MCC Port Qasim and MCC Appraisement-East would convene on 30th to deliberate on the promotions of UDCs while the other officials would be considered in the next meetings.