KARACHI: The Registrar of High Court of Sindh (SHC) was directed by the Custom Appellate bench to seek a F.I.R against Muhammad Asghar, owner of Asghar Steel on charges of submitting forged documents and filing false affidavit  in order to get relief in a constitutional petition. The court however expected unconditional apology tendered by Adeel Awan Advocate representing the petitioner. The custom was represented by Sardar Zafar Hussain Advocate while Kashif Nazeer Advocate Assistant Attorney General represented the FBR/ Federal Government.

As per details, the petitioner filed a GD showing assessment made on the basis of London Metal Exchange Rate while in fact it was assessed on the basis of Valuation Ruling 1719/2022. The filing of forged document was in the knowledge of the counsel for petitioner as in an appeal filed by him before Collector of Customs (Appeal) he has sought declaration in respect of assessment made on the basis of VR 1719/2022. The counsel in yesterday’s hearing admitted that document in question is false and untrue and tendered conditional apology which was accepted with warning to him to be careful in future.

The bench also sought explanation from the Petitioner. An Attorney appeared for the Petitioner and informed the court that Petitioner is unwell. The bench then directed Registrar of SHC to lodge a F.I.R. against the Petitioner and placed compliance report in chamber.

The bench dismissed the Petition as being mis-conceived  and also imposed a cost of Rupees 100,000. The bench also ordered that in case of failure, the CNICs of the Petitioner as well as his Attorney shall be be blocked by NADRA.