KARACHI: A custom appellate bench of High Court of Sindh allowed a request for release of consignment after judgment came in favor of appellant Chaudhary Sultan Mehmood.

The bench earlier heard arguments of counsel from law firm Franklin Law Associates appearing for the petitioner against custom authorities including Director Valuation.

The counsel for petitioner submitted that dispute regarding valuation was decided by Custom Appellate Tribunal (CAT) vide order dated 27-11-2022 following which the department has filed a Special Custom Reference Application which is now pending decision by SHC custom bench. The counsel for petitioner submitted that in view of accumulation of detention and other charges, the petitioner is ready to secure the disputed amount for release of goods.

The bench allowed the request as an interim arrangement while fixing April 12 as next date of hearing when compliance will be reported by custom authorities who were represented by Shahnawaz M.Sahito Advocate.