KARACHI: Directorate of Customs Intelligence & Investigation Karachi has recovered short-levied duty and taxes amounting to Rs1.94 million on several consignments imported by M/s Mian Corporation, Karachi.

On information received through Director Irfan Jawaid regarding evasion of duty and taxes through mis-declaration of actual quantity, weight and description of footwear, hand bags etc., a consignment of kid shoes and ladies hand bags imported from China by M/s Mian Corporation was blocked online after being assigned to gate out.

Examination of the consignment resulted into recovery of excess quantities of the goods. The incidence of short-levied amount of duty/tax was worked out to Rs0.781 million. Further scrutiny of the data of imports by the said importer revealed that an amount of Rs1.162 million was also short-levied against seven consignments of the said importer.

When confronted, the importer voluntarily paid the short levied sum of Rs1.94 million into the government treasury.