KARACHI: MCC Port Qasim has notified transfers and postings of Principal appraisers.

Ibrahim Khan is posted to Bulk, Bonds, One Customs Processing, R&D, Auction and Import Section. Tariq Aziz is assigned Group-VI, Law, Revenue monitoring, periodical reports and customs laboratory.

Khalid Umer is assigned Group-IV, Group-VII, Afghan Transit Legacy Issues and Bank Guarantee. Ahmed Nawaz is assigned Group-II, Recovery, Pre-Refund (audit) and audit. Ghulam Murtaza is assigned Group-III, Examination of ODT/One Customs and Bulk and Refund, Babar Kabeer is assigned Group-V, ST & TPs, Reconciliation with off-dock terminals. Asad Aleem is assigned Group-I, MCD, Cash and accounts.