KARACHI: The Director General Customs Valuation Syed Tanveer Ahmed has issued order-in-revision No. 230/2016 re-determining the values of Frozen French Fries earlier determined vide valuation ruling No.842/2016.

The petition was filed by M/s Global Trading Lahore contending the values determined vide valuation ruling were higher than the declared values.

After detailed deliberation, Director General said valuation ruling No. 842/2016 was issued on different freight basis from Europe and USA, therefore, freight aspect from Belgium (Europe) & USA was considered.

It was revealed that difference of freight from Europe and USA was found much higher than Europe and Far East. The on line prices have been retrieved which are much higher than the declared value by the importer. On the other hand importer could not provide any substantive documents in favor of their contention.

The Zauba data shows that India is importing Lambweston brand from $ 1.70/kg to $2.00/kg and Mecaine around $ 1.39/kg and onward.

In view of the market inquiry and Zauba data (import by India) and other international data, the values of Frozen French Fries are re-determined as under:-
