KARACHI: The Directorate General of Customs Valuation has scheduled meetings with importers, traders, industry representatives and other stakeholders almost everyday for the rest of month, as large-scale exercise is initiated to revise customs values of thousands of importable goods.

Customs is developing database values for about 2000-3000 different items which are not commensurate with international price trends.

In the first phase customs values of beverages, used machinery, auto parts, electrical and office appliances, fabric and medical goods will be revised.

On the Director Customs Valuation Was if Memon, Additional Collectors Iqbal Muneeb and Imran Bukhari have formed five teams each headed by Deputy Collectors Nausheen Riaz, Abdul Quddus, Rizwan Basharat, Shoib Raza and Assistant Collector Abdul Majeed to conduct meetings with the stakeholders. Market survey has already been conducted.

According to the schedule available with Customnews.pk, on July 11 meeting will be held to determine customs values of Non-Dairy Topping Cream; a meeting on July 12 to determine values of  Beverages ( Aerated Water ) and Manicure / Pedicure Sets; Fruit Jam on July 13; Motorcycle Parts on July 15; Soya Sauce / Salad Dressing on July 14; Tractor Pans on July 18; Zipper & Zip Sliders,  Solar Fans and  ISO Propyl Alcohol, N-Propanol, N-Butanol, 180 Butanol, Cyclohexanon on July 19;  Chemicals & Dyes,  Heavy Bike / Motorcycles,  Electric Bulbs & Tube Lights on July 20; Contact Lenses (without power) and  Ring Travelers on July 21; Multimedia Projectors, Projector Screen & Microphones on July 22; Contact Lenses (without power) on July 23; Infusion Giving Set and Infusion Giving Set with Burette, Tooth Brushes, Water Dispenser   and Photocopier Machines on July 25; Disposable Syringes (Unbranded), Arms & Ammunition, Speakers, Old & Used Second Hand Machinery and Exercise Machines on July 26; Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous, Rechargeable Electric Shaver, and Replacement Auto Parts on July 27; while a meeting to determine the customs values of I.V.Canulla/I.V.Canulla Catheter, Press Fasteners / Snap Fasteners and DVD Player will be held on July 28, 2016.

Similarly, meeting regarding determination of customs values of Tubular Metal Needles and LED Rechargeable Lights is scheduled for August 02; Washing Machine, Cooking Range Hood / Chimney, embroidery machine and submersible motors on august 03; AC synchronous alternators and polyester chain 100% polyester fabric items on August 04; carpets and steel file flat bastard 12’ on August 05; aluminum composite panels on August 09; while meetings regarding determination of customs values of refrigerators and copper tubes are scheduled for August 11, 2016.

This exercise would discourage under-invoicing and facilitate legitimate trade, the official said.

The Directorate General of Customs Valuation is been streamlining the data to reflect the actual values of importable goods prevailing in the international market.

All the valuation rulings issued so far are already uploaded in the WeBOC system. The system is being amended so that all rulings may be visible to traders. Moreover, provision is being created to upload values of database.

Additionally, in order to provide the information to all a new website page is being developed on the FBR website. All necessary information including valuation rulings and valuation database will be publicly displayed on it, to facilitate trade.