KARACHI: The Export Policy Order 2016 has allowed export of goods, materials, technology and equipment useable in nuclear and biological weapons and their delivery system having commercial applications subject to NOC from SECDIV, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Re-export of frustrated cargo is also allowed by the Customs authorities subject to the conditions contained in Customs Rules, 2001; Export Control on Goods, technologies, material and equipment related to nuclear and biological weapons and their delivery systems Act 2001.

The Export Policy Order 2016 has authorized Ministry of Climate Change to issue NOC for export of endangered species for the purpose of research. Export of wild fauna and flora, all animals, mammals, reptiles and endemic birds protected under any Wildlife Act subject to production of NOC and mandatory checking by Wildlife department at the airports of exit points.

Moreover, export of metals by foreign enterprises will be governed by a special mechanism identified by Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources for checking the prices etc.

Export of arms, ammunition, explosives and ingredients thereof will be subject to NOC from Ministry of Defense Production.