KARACHI: The Directorate General of Training Research (Customs) in a letter addressed to Karachi Customs Agents Association informed that the Six Working Days Mandatory Course will be started from 18th May 2015 and asked KCAA to nominate 150 Customs Agents per Batch.

Keeping in view the limited space DGTR advised that only those Customs Agents shall apply whose licenses are expiring on December 31, 2015.

It is pertinent to mention here that KCAA requested the DGTR to conduct these mandatory course for Customs Agents which is a mandatory requirement for customs agents for renewal of theirĀ  licenses.

KCAA is advised that its members should submit their applications along with copy of CNIC and Customs Agents License and a Pay Order of Rs.3500 in favour of Training Welfare & Facilitation Fund, DGTR as course fee to the Karachi Customs Agents Association at an earliest.

In this regard, KCAA has created special Facilitation Desk to receive the applications from its members for onward submission at DGTR (Customs).