KARACHI: Nisar Muhammad Khan, Member Customs, has said World Customs community is celebrating International Customs Day on 26th January, 2014. Customs play a pivotal role in economic development through efficient targeted controls and the facilitation of legitimate trade.
In the prevailing scenario, securing global trade requires international cooperation and coordination amongst governments and trade bodies, as well as with other members of WCO. It compels in sharing and improving knowledge within the customs community and this year’s theme of “Communication: sharing information for better cooperation†underscores the importance of collaboration and communication. In addition to the traditional tasks, Customs has new responsibilities which cannot be addressed without necessary skill set, knowledge and connectivity.
It is essential to broaden the horizons, enhance the competence and improve the efficiency of Customs administration through better performance, transparency and development of new techniques and systems. I congratulate Pakistan Customs on the introduction and successful country-wide roll-out of indigenously developed new software WEBOC (Web Based One Customs) for automated clearance. The department is focused on the path of modernization and has implemented state of the art systems employing sophisticated equipment at border stations, airports and seaports in collaboration with international Development Partners like UNODC, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, USAID, JICA, DFID, GIZ, IFC, etc.
I take the opportunity to state that, in an era of declining resources and increasing volumes of trade and travel effective risk management is a necessity for Customs. It is almost impossible for Customs to physically check every consignment and passenger. Risk management is something that needs to be implemented across the organization, which requires complete information about all incoming and outgoing cargo. An efficient and robust “Risk Management System†would certainly enable Customs to better achieve the balance between facilitation and control by focusing & targeting only “High risk goods and passengersâ€.
I also would like to congratulate all officers and officials of Pakistan Customs on this special day of global importance and hope that the department will continue its commitment in achieving revenue targets, facilitating trade and passenger traffic, besides demonstrating efficiency to counter trafficking of drugs and smuggling of contrabands. We have to improvise in all fields to contribute positively in the domestic economic growth and consolidation of international trade relations in consonance with the WCO’s 2014 slogan of connectivity.